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Fancy a chat?

We know how overwhelming cloth nappies can be, especially if you’re new to them. You may get lost between different nappy styles and words like ‘inserts’, ‘soakers’ and ‘boosters’. However, don’t panic, we’re here to help!

We’d love to schedule an online chat with you so that we can go through our different products and answer any questions you may have.

FREE Malta delivery on orders over €30

10% DISCOUNT on all products for first-time buyers. Use code: BebbuxuBaby

If you’re not new to cloth but are experiencing issues whilst using them, we’d also like to hear from you to be able to offer advice and help resolve any possible problems.

Our online chats are simply informative and designed to give you a clearer picture with regards to modern cloth nappies and their benefits.

Book your chat

(Booking dates and time are subject to availability.)

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To book your chat, simply fill in the form below and we will get in touch with you to schedule it. We try our best to accommodate your requested day and time, however, kindly note that bookings are subject to availability.

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